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How to get Vimeo Client Identifier and Client Secret

November 7, 2017

Follow below steps to get your Vimeo Client Identifier and Client Secret:

Step 1: If you don’t have an account on Vimeo, self-create a new Vimeo account at

Vimeo Login

Step 2: Go to and login.

Vimeo Developer Dashboard

Step 3: If you have already created an app then follow the procedure from Step 5, else follow step 4 to create a new appVimeo Creat App

Step 4: Provide the required info, check I agree checkbox and click on Create App button.Vimeo Create App Fill Field

Step 5: Click on Authenticate tabVimeo Create App Authenticate

Step 6: Click on Generate Token buttonVimeo Generate Token

Step 7: Copy Client Identifier and Client Secret Vimeo Client Identifier and Client Secret


Well Done. You can use your Client Identifier and Client Secret in some WordPress Plugins use Vimeo API